Michael Morpurgo Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Long

Miss Long

Welcome to our Year 4 class page!


Welcome to our Year 4 Class Page! Here, you will be able to find out all about about our amazing learning. Click on the subject tabs at the top of the page to access the different subjects.

I am your Class Teacher, Miss Long. In class we have Miss Esther, Miss Maria and Mr Jaimie.


Key information:



Homework is given out on FRIDAY and needs to be returned the following TUESDAY

You will need to bring in your PE kit in on MONDAY.



Every week, I will set at least a Mathletics task for you to log in and complete at home. Your log-in details are at the front of your homework books; they can be scanned as a QR code, and you can access the website this way to complete the tasks you have been set.



Times Tables Rockstars

Log-in details are in the front of your Homework books. Please practice your Times Tables weekly!

One piece of work will be set relating to Maths learning in class every week. The idea is to be able to show adults at home what you have been learning about that week at school. See the Maths Page for more info.


Spelling and Grammar

You will be given one spelling or grammar related task each week.








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