Our dedicated Governing Body has 14 members: 2 elected parent governors; 1 Local Authority governor, 1 co-opted governor, 2 staff governors including the headteacher, and eight foundation governors.
Our governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of our school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. Their role is to be a 'critical friend'. They enable our school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside our senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to our children. Our governors are committed to work to see the highest standards of teaching and learning, behaviour and personal development established and maintained at our school in order to maximise the educational progress of every pupil and the flourishing of every member of the school community.
The work of the governors is unpaid, however the governing body employs a clerk, who offers operational advice when appropriate and who clerks our meetings. The current membership of our governing body can be found below.

Selina Boshorin
Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
Sarah Dawson
Vice-Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
Sade Babatola
Foundation Governor

Shane Beales
Parent Governor
Luminita Irina Brujbu
Parent Governor
Anuoluwa Oladosu
Local Authority Governor

Abi Lander
Foundation Governor
Natasha Ennin
Foundation Governor
Thomas Vogiatzis
Foundation Governor

Andrew Rojas
Staff Governor
Claire Hayes
Staff Governor
Nicola Mezzadri
Foundation Governor

Alexandra Hales
Co-opted governor
Janet Clarke