FSM/Pupil Premium

FSM/Pupil Premium Eligibility Checker

The ‘Free School Meals / Pupil Premium Service’ is a web site provided by the London Grid for Learning (LGFL) where parents can quickly and easily check eligibility for free school meals and, if eligible, also gain welcome additional funding for St George's C E Primary School, known as ‘Pupil Premium’.

Even though we offer Free Healthy School Meals (FHSM) to all children from Reception to Year 6 we do strongly encourage applications for benefits-related Free School Meals (FSM) as the additional funding gained would still benefit education provision at our school.

To check your FSM/Pupil Premium eligibility please click here 

What the service does for parents:
After entering essential details into the web site, the online application process links to the Department for Education system for checking eligibility and gives an immediate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, and will notify the school.

This system is being provided to encourage parents to apply for their entitlements while at the same time increasing the benefit to schools from Pupil Premium funding, a substantial amount of which does not reach schools because not all parents who are eligible apply for free meals for their child.

By way of a ‘thank you’ to parents for taking part, and regardless of individual outcomes, The London Grid for Learning (LGfL) would like to provide parents of children attending St George's with Sophos Anti-Virus software, free of charge, to protect the computers used by pupils at home.

To gain access to this software there is a short registration process which will also give you access, if required, to other LGfL services and benefits that are available to St George's C E Primary School. Please be assured there is no catch, no cost and no advertising. LGfL (a UK education charity set up in 2001 and owned by London’s 33 local authorities) exists to support education and is leading this initiative to make it easier for parents to apply for free school meals and to encourage the drawdown of unclaimed Pupil Premium.

What the service does for schools:
As the London Borough of Southwark  has introduced free healthy school meals for all children from Reception through to Year 6  it is more important than ever for schools to know the number of pupils for whom they can claim Pupil Premium funding. These funds enable schools to take on additional staff and invest in additional equipment, resources and activities to the benefit of the children.

Please click on this link, enter the necessary details and support this worthwhile initiative.

Files to Download



Church of England Primary School

Coleman Road, Camberwell SE5 7TF

St George's Office Team

020 7703 4772 | office@stgps.org.uk

SENDCO | Jonation Wren | sen@stgps.org.uk

We aim to ensure your child flourishes at St George’s, therefore we promote a friendly, safe and caring environment, with positive relationships which inspire respect for each other