Sports Day 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians
We at St George’s are very excited to be holding Sports Day on Friday the 2nd at Burgess Park Cricket Club. Unfortunately, due to government guidelines, we are unable to invite parents this year. However, we will make sure lots of pictures are taken and put on the school website for you to look at.
On the day please can you make sure your child:
- comes to school wearing correct PE kit; white T-shirt with school logo or plain white T-shirts, navy shorts, plimsoles/trainers, white sports socks
- has appropriate clothing for the day (e.g. raincoat or sun hat)
- has put sunscreen on before coming to school
- brings a bottle of water to school
Children will be having a packed lunch in the park provided by the school. The healthy lunch will consist of a sandwich, piece of fruit, crisps, biscuit and a bottle of water.
If you already provide your child with a packed lunch, please ensure they have a healthy packed lunch which must not include any glass bottles and should have plenty of fluids- no sweets/chocolate, please.
We are really looking forward to providing our children with a fun and exciting day of sports activities.
Kind Regards
Mr. A Rojas