Creative Arts - Art Autumn 2

During Autumn 2 we will be completing a Art unit.


Key Disciplines:  Printmaking (Mono Print), Drawing, Collage

Themes: Natural and Manmade Forms, Invention, Narrative

Aims:  Children explore the work of an artist who uses mono print in his own work, and are introduced to a simple mono print technique.

Outcomes: To develop mono printing and drawing skills, depending upon their preferred area of subject focus.

Key Art Skills:

I can make drawings using photos from films as my source material.

I can look closely guided by my teachers voice, and work in my sketchbook or on paper to make drawings using soft pencil or handwriting pen. 

I can look closely at small objects close to me and make drawings with soft pencil or handwriting pen at the same scale or size. 

I can think carefully about which marks I will include in my drawing.

I can share my sketchbook work with the class and talk about what I like about my work. I can listen to others talking about their work, and sometimes I can add my thoughts. 

I have seen what a mono print is and have explored the work of an artist who uses mono print. I can share my thoughts on the artists work. 

I can use carbon paper to make mono prints.  I can experiment with the kinds of marks I make, and think about how they help make my drawings interesting.

I can base my drawings upon careful observational looking. I can slow down my looking and mark making and work for 5 to 15 minutes on a drawing. 

I can explore a theme and make mono prints using my imagination to make my drawings personal.

I can share my work and talk about what I like, and what I would like to try again.

I can enjoy looking at the work of my classmates and sometimes I can share my thoughts about their work. 

I have understood that through art, I can invent and discover.





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