Creative Arts - DT Spring 2

During Spring 2 we will be completing a DT unit.



I can design useful pleasing products for myself and other users based on a design brief

I can generate, develop, model and communicate my ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and IT

I can choose tools I would like to use and select materials based on my knowledge of their properties

I can safely measure, make out, cut and shape materials and components using a range of tools

I can investigate different techniques for stiffening a variety of materials and explore different methods of enabling structures to remain stable


I can decide how existing products do/do not achieve their purpose.

I can talk about their design as they develop it and identify good and bad points.

I can say what I like and do not like about items I have made and attempt to say why.

I can evaluate and assess existing products and those that I have made using a design criteria


                                Healthcare Finger Puppets craft activity guide | Baker Ross