Autumn 1 Art


Typography & Maps!




marvellous maps.jpg


Our Key ART Skills for this topic are:

  • I have understood that Typography is the visual art of creating and arranging letters and words on a page to help communicate ideas or emotions. 

  • I have seen how other artists work with typography and have been able to share my thoughts on their work.

  • I have explored how I can create my own letters in a playful way using cutting and collage.

  • I can reflect upon what I like about the letters I have made.

  • I have drawn my own letters using pen and pencil inspired by objects I have chosen around me.

  • I can reflect upon why my letters have a meaning to me. 

  • I have used my sketchbooks for referencing, collecting and testing ideas, and reflecting. 

  • I can make my drawings appear visually stronger by working over maps or newspaper to make my marks stronger.

  • I have seen how some artists use their typography skills and drawing skills to make maps which are personal to them.

  • I have been able to reflect upon what I think their maps mean, what I like about them, and what interests me.

  • I can use my mark making, cutting and collage skills to create my own visual map, using symbols, drawn elements and typography to express themes which are important to me.

  • I have shared my work with the class, reflected upon what was successful and been able to give useful feedback on the work of my peers.