
Spring 1 - 2025

In Year 3 English sessions, we take the time to focus on and master key skills for writing from the Year 3 curriculum. Each day, your child will practise a key skill and then complete a piece of writing where the skill should be embedded. This half term we will be looking at The BFG by Roald Dahl. 

Our first text, The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Michael Morpugo is about a Pied Piper, who is hired by the town of Hamelin to rid the town of a rat infestation problem. The town uses music to spirit away the town's rats. The town refuses to pay the Pied Piper for his services, so he uses his musical magic to lure away the town's children who are never seen again.


Our second text, Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit joins Tranio, the son of an actor, and his friend Livia, the baker's daughter, in witnessing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79. Tranio, like most Roman boys, likes to watch whatever is going on: tradesmen selling their goods, ships unloading their exotic cargoes, politicians making speeches in the forum. But one hot August day a very different scene unfolds. The ground begins to shake, the sky to darken. People run gasping for air. Heading for the harbor, Tranio and his friend Livia hide on a boat and witness one of the most terrifying moments in recorded history-the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of their beloved city, Pompeii.



Here is what is expected by children in English at the end of Year 3. Parents and carers, please have a read and familiarise yourself with what your child is aiming towards:
