Humanities - History Autumn 2

How have I changed?

We are looking at our History skills in Autumn 2. We will be looking at changes in living memory and changes beyond our memory. We will be thinking about how we have changed and how toys have changed over time. The children will develop their historical skills during this topic. Have a look at our Knowledge Organiser to find out more!    

Toys in the Past - Nottingham Museums


Historical Key Skills

Chronological Understnading

I can place events in the order that they happened

I can sequence events and recount changes within living memory

I can use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time

Historical Enquiry

I can find answers to some simple questions about the past from simple sources of information

I can ask and answer relevant basic questions about the past

I can describe some similarities and differences between man-made objects.

Historical Interpretations

I can relate my own account and understand that others might give a different version

Understanding of Events, People and Changes

I can talk draw and write about aspects of the past