Humanities - History Spring 2


Was the Great Fire of London a good thing in the end?

We are looking at our History skills in Spring 2. We will be looking at the Great Fire of London and how it changed London and the buildings that were built. The children will develop their historical skills during this topic. Have a look at our Knowledge Organiser to find out more!


Historical Key Skills

Chronological Understanding

I can show an awareness of the past using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time

Historical Enquiry

I can ask and answer questions choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that I know and understand key features of events

Historical Interpretations

I can describe significant historical events, people and places locally

Organisation and Communication

I can speak about how I have found out about the past

I can record what I have learned through drawing and writing

Understanding of events, people and changes

I can discuss the lives of significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements and use some to compare aspects of the past in different periods.

