
We follow a maths mastery approach at St. George's and as such, we are spending time securing knowledge and understanding of the mathematical concepts we have previously mastered before moving onto new learning. When we are secure in the Year 2 concepts, we will move on to incorporating more complex ideas into our lessons, always drawing on previous learning in order to make connections. The aim is to become fluent in number facts, be able to represent what we know in many different ways and make links between areas of knowledge - thus becoming Maths Masters!
At St. George's, we believe everyone can master maths.
With hard work and encouragement, we can all achieve!





I will set Mathletics homework each week. It will be set on FRIDAY and will be due the next TUESDAY. It will usually always complement the work we are doing in class. Children, please feel free to do extra if you wish to challenge yourselves!
Parents, for help using Mathletics please follow the link below:
Children, if you don't understand something, click the 'i' in the top-tight corner. This will give you an explanation if you follow the arrows on the right.

Times Table Rockstars

The children will have log ins for Times Tables Rockstars. Please make sure you support your child in learning their times tables each week.
Make sure you challenge each other!

Times tables.png