Maths Spring 1

We follow a maths mastery approach at St. George's and as such, we are spending a long time on number (place value), addition and subtraction. When we are secure in the Year 1 concepts, we will move on to incorporating more complex ideas into our lessons, always drawing on previous learning in order to make connections. The aim is to become fluent in number facts, be able to represent what we know in many different ways and make links between areas of knowledge - thus becoming maths masters!

At St. George's, we believe everyone can master maths. With hard work and encouragement, we can all achieve!

Spring 1 Learning

These are our teaching points for these units of learning. Please find Knowledge Organisers to download at the bottom of each page.

Teaching Point 1.3 - Composition of Numbers 0-5

Apply the partitioning structure to the numbers to five, and introduce children to new concepts such as subitising, ordinality and the bar model.

Teaching Point 1.4 - Composition of Numbers 0-10

Extend the partitioning structure to the numbers six to ten, explore the five-and-a-bit structure of the numbers, and introduce children to the concept of odd and even numbers.

Teaching Point 1.5 - Additive structures: introduction to aggregation and partitioning

Progress to the use of abstract notation (+, − and =) as a way of representing the part–part–whole structure.

Teaching Point 1.6 - Additive structures: introduction to augmentation and reduction

Introduce children to addition as augmentation, and subtraction as reduction (take away), using a ‘first…, then…, now…’ story representation and abstract notation (+, − and =); explore the inverse nature of the two operations.

Teaching point 1: Numbers can represent how many objects there are in a set; for small sets we can recognise the number of objects (subitise) instead of counting them.
Teaching point 2: Ordinal numbers indicate a single item or event, rather than a quantity.
Teaching point 3: Each of the numbers one to five can be partitioned in different ways.
Teaching point 4: Each of the numbers one to five can be partitioned in a systematic way.
Teaching point 5: Each of the numbers one to five can be partitioned into two parts; if we know one part, we can find the other part.
Teaching point 6: The number before a given number is one less; the number after a given number is one more.
Teaching point 7: Partitioning can be represented using the bar model.
Teaching point 1: The numbers six to nine are composed of 'five and a bit'. Ten is composed of five and five. 
Teaching point 2: Six, seven, eight and nine lie between five and ten on a number line.
Teaching point 3: Numbers that can be made out of groups of two are even numbers; numbers that can't be made out of groups of two are odd numbers. Even numbers can be partitioned into two odd parts or two even parts; odd numbers can be partitioned into one odd part and one even part.
Teaching point 4: Each of the numbers six to ten can be partitioned in different ways. The numbers six to ten can be partitioned in a systematic way.
Teaching point 5: Each of the numbers six to ten can be partitioned into two parts; if we know one part, we can find the other part.
Teaching point 1: combining two or more parts to make a whole is called aggregation; the addition symbol, +, can be used to represent aggregation.
Teaching point 2: The equals symbol, =, can be used to show equivalence between the whole and the sum of the parts.
Teaching point 3: Each addend represents a part, and these are combined to form the whole/sum; we can find the value of the whole by adding the parts. We can represent problems with missing parts using an addition equation with a missing addend.
Teaching point 4: Breaking a whole down into two or more parts is called partitioning; the subtraction symbol, −, can be used to represent partitioning. 
Teaching point 1: An addition context described by a ‘first…, then…, now…’ story is an example of augmentation. We can link the story to a numerical representation – each number represents something in the story.
Teaching point 2: A subtraction context described by a ‘first…, then…, now…’ story is an example of reduction. We can link the story to a numerical representation – each number represents something in the story.
Teaching point 3: Given any two parts of the story we can work out the third part; given any two numbers in the equation we can find the third one.
Teaching point 4: Addition and subtraction are inverse operations.

Mastering Number

In Key Stage 1, we focus on mastering number, using the NCETM Mastering Number program to support with the subitising of numbers to ten, as well as recognising number patterns and bonds to all numbers up to 20. The use of the Rekenrek in central to this program allowing children to see the different patterns in their number bonds.



I will continue to set Mathletics homework each week. It will be set on Friday and will be due the next Wednesday. It will always complement the work we are doing in class.
Parents, for help using Mathletics please follow the link below:
Children, if you don't understand something, click the 'i' in the top-tight corner. This will give you an explanation if you follow the arrows on the right.