Teaching point 1: To identify and recognise coins
Teaching point 2: To add different coins (pences then pounds)
Teaching point 3: To make the same amount using different coins using timestables to help.
Teaching point 4: To compare different amount of money using less than, greater than and equal to.
Teaching point 1: Objects can be grouped equally, sometimes with a remainder.
Teaching point 2: Division equations can be used to represent ‘grouping’ problems, where the total quantity (dividend) and the group size (divisor) are known; the number of groups (quotient) can be calculated by skip counting in the divisor. (quotitive division)
Teaching point 3: Division equations can be used to represent ‘sharing’ problems, where the total quantity (dividend) and the number we are sharing between (divisor) are known; the size of the shares (quotient) can be calculated by skip counting in the divisor. (partitive division)
Teaching point 4: Strategies for finding the quotient, that are more efficient than skip counting, include using known multiplication facts and, when the divisor is two, using known halving facts.
Teaching point 5: When the dividend is zero, the quotient is zero; when the dividend is equal to the divisor, the quotient is one; when the divisor is equal to one, the quotient is equal to the dividend.
Teaching Point 1: Name the fractions ‘one-half’, ‘one-quarter’ and ‘one-third’ in relation to a fraction of a length, shape or set of objects.
Teaching Point 2: Read and write the fraction notation 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, and relate this to a fraction of a length, shape or set of objects.
Teaching Point 3: Find half of numbers.
Teaching Point 4: Find 1/3 or 1/4 of a number.
Teaching Point 5: Find 2/4 and 3/4 of an object, shape, set of objects, length or quantity; recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2.