PSHE Autumn 2
Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Unit in Autumn 2 is:
'What is bullying?'
It comes from the Core Unit, Relationships.
We will be looking at:
- how words and actions can affect how people feel
- how to ask for and give/not give permission regarding physical contact and how to respond if physical contact makes them uncomfortable or unsafe
- why name-calling, hurtful teasing, bulling and deliberately excluding others is unacceptable
- how to respond if this happens in different situations
- how to report bullying or other hurtful behaviour, including online, to a trusted adult and the importance of doing so
Our PSHE Targets for this unit are:
R10. about the importance of friendships; strategies for building positive friendships; how positive friendships support wellbeing
R11. what constitutes a positive healthy friendship (e.g. mutual respect, trust, truthfulness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, sharing interests and experiences, support with problems and difficulties); that the same principles apply to online friendships as to face-to-face relationships
R12. to recognise what it means to ‘know someone online’ and how this differs from knowing someone face-to-face; risks of communicating online with others not known face-to-face
R16. how friendships can change over time, about making new friends and the benefits of having different types of friends
R17. that friendships have ups and downs; strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile differences positively and safely
R21. about discrimination: what it means and how to challenge it
R22. about privacy and personal boundaries; what is appropriate in friendships and wider relationships (including online);
R24. how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts including online) whom they do not know
R25. recognise different types of physical contact; what is acceptable and unacceptable; strategies to respond to unwanted physical contact