PSHE & Wellbeing
In Spring 1, our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) question is:
How can we help in an accident or emergency?
Core Theme Health and Wellbeing
- how to carry out basic first aid including for burns, scalds, cuts, bleeds, choking, asthma attacks or allergic reactions
- that if someone has experienced a head injury, they should not be moved
- when it is appropriate to use first aid and the importance of seeking adult help
- the importance of remaining calm in an emergency and providing clear information about what has happened to an adult or the emergency services
PoS refs: H43 and H44
H43. about what is meant by first aid; basic techniques for dealing with common injuries
H44. how to respond and react in an emergency situation; how to identify situations that may require the emergency services; know how to contact them and what to say