RE Spring 1
RE Learning Spring 1
Our topic questions are:
'Why do Jewish people celebrate the gift of Shabbat?'
Why do Jewish people celebrate the gift of Shabbat?By the end of this unit, pupils should know: Shabbat is the Sabbath Day for Jewish people; Shabbat starts at sunset;Different day from other days - day of rest;Shabbat is a time of remembering when God was resting in the creation story, -a gift from God of resting and time for being together;Jewish people prepare for Shabbat and how,Shabbat table and customs;Shared meal - Kosher food;Blessings are given on Shabbat,Charity contributions given (Tzedakah;)Havdalah - End of Shabbat;Blessing of Shabbat taken into the new week.Rosh Hashana is a special time for Jewish people and why. Hanukkah is a special time for Jewish people and why. |
Have a read below to see our learning questions for this unit.
Living |
Believing |
Thinking |
What does it mean to be a Jewish person?What special times have you had with your friends and family? |
Why is Shabbat important for Jewish people to take part in?How does Havdalah help Jewish people?Why is Rosh Hashannah importnat for Jewish people?How does Hanukkah help a Jewish person? |
Why are their times special?What do you wish for someone at the beginning of a new year?What helps you when you need to feel hope? |
Our Daily Prayers
These are the prayers we say each day. We pray in the morning, before lunchtime and at the end of the day.