RE Spring 1

RE Learning Spring 1

Our topic questions are:

'Why do Jewish people celebrate the gift of Shabbat?'

Why do Jewish people celebrate the gift of Shabbat?

By the end of this unit, pupils should know:

Shabbat is the Sabbath Day for Jewish people; Shabbat starts at sunset;

Different day from other days - day of rest;

Shabbat is a time of remembering when God was resting in the creation story, -a gift from God of resting and time for being together;

Jewish people prepare for Shabbat and how,

Shabbat table and customs;

Shared meal - Kosher food;

Blessings are given on Shabbat,

Charity contributions given (Tzedakah;)

Havdalah - End of Shabbat;

Blessing of Shabbat taken into the new week.

Rosh Hashana is a special time for Jewish people and why. Hanukkah is a special time for Jewish people and why.


Have a read below to see our learning questions for this unit.




What does it mean to be a Jewish person?

What special times have you had with your friends and family?


Why is Shabbat important for Jewish people to take part in?

How does Havdalah help Jewish people?

Why is Rosh Hashannah importnat for Jewish people?

How does Hanukkah help a Jewish person?

Why are their times special?

What do you wish for someone at the beginning of a new year?

What helps you when you need to feel hope?


Our Daily Prayers

These are the prayers we say each day. We pray in the morning, before lunchtime and at the end of the day.
