Science Spring 2

During Spring 2 in Science, we will be learning about the four seasons. Our learning question is 'How does Winter change to Spring?'

Our Scientific Enquiry Focus is identifying and classifying.

Please open the Knowledge Organisers at the bottom of the page for more information.

We will be covering these key skills.

Knowledge and Understanding

Key Skills for Investigating and Observing

Name and identify the four seasons

Name and describe different types of weather

observe changes across the four seasons

observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies

Make simple observations

Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways

Use simple equipment such as magnifying glasses and (digital) microscopes for observation and egg timers for timing.

Suggest answers to questions based on their observations and ideas.

Gather data and record it to help answer questions

Use simple scientific language relevant to the area of study and in investigations

Record my observations in writing and simple diagrams

I compare observations using scientific vocabulary

I say whether what happened was what I expected