Writing Spring 1
In our English sessions in Spring 1, we will be looking at; 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon; and 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett.
We will be looking at:
BeeguBeegu is not supposed to be on Earth. She is lost. She is a friendly little creature, but the Earth People don't seem very welcoming at all. However, so far she has only met the BIG ones. The little ones are a different matter...
Main Outcome: Own narrative version |
The Odd EggAll the birds have eggs to hatch. All except Duck. When Duck is delighted to find an egg of his own to look after: it's the most beautiful egg in the whole world! But all the other birds think it's a very odd egg indeed - and everyone's in for a big surprise when it finally hatches.Main Outcome: Egg Spotter's Guide - non-fiction |
As well as covering a number of transcription and reading skills, we will be learning:
Vocabulary, Grammar & Punctuation
Writing (Composition)• Saying out loud what they are going to write about• Composing a sentence orally before writing it• Sequencing sentences to form short narratives• Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense• Discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils |